Using TreeView inside AJAX UpdatePanel

Microsoft does not support TreeView Control inside AJAX:UpdatePanel. So there are lots of issues if one need to do the same. One of my teams needed to use the TreeView inside the UpdatePanel. The core of the application is around some hierarchical documentation. As the user interaction with the system mostly through this hierarchical data, TreeView with check boxes is the most obvious selection. However, the pain began as the development progressed and changes in requirements started pouring in. One option was for clientside population of treeview. But some dynamic changes happening to the underlying hierarchical data (by concurrent users),

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TreeView inside UpdatePanel issue – postbacks on check and uncheck of the node’s Checkbox

Problem: In ASP.NET TreeView control, user wish to select one or many treenodes and wish to have options for further working depending upon the selection. The selection is done using a checkbox. On checking, the server side code need to know what has been checked and provides further options for the same. The checkbox check/uncheck does not fire a postback. Though we tried to imitate the same using javascript, the page gets refreshed. We used AJAX and put the TreeView control inside an UpdatePanel Findings: Microsoft does not support this. An issue/request for the feature was put on Microsoft feedback

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