MSDN has a priceless set of ASP.NET Security How-To Articles. Its a must read area for all web developers and developers having interest in application security. Here is the link for all of you: Microsoft Patterns & Practices Security How Tos Enjoy!
Continue readingMonth: April 2008
Microsoft Patterns & Practices : Guidance Explorer
Wow! Just another goodie!! Look at this. Now a guidance explorer is available from the Patterns & Practices team at for all the people who want to better their performance. Congratulations to the team for the good work. The guidance explorer let you explore the guidances mentioned in various patterns and practices guidelines. No more browsing through numerous web pages to find out the guidances. A neat tool with an file explorer style tree to keep the points tidy. Just loved it. I shall request you all to get it installed and most importantly READ. Have it in the
Continue readingArchitectural patterns
Architectural patterns are meant for providing solutions to architectural problems in software engineering. It fundamentally provides a readymade structure of a solution that is targeted at a particular established proble. It describes a structural organization schema for a solution consisting of subsystems and underlines their responsibilities and interrelations. However there is significant difference between the architectural pattern and the architecture itself. An architectural pattern is a concept that captures essential elements of a software architecture. The pattern is a guideline to implement a particular architecture. So following a particular architectural pattern, the architects may come out with several different and
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Model View Controller is an Architectural pattern. View: The user interface (GUI) or the software which produces User Interface (ASP.Net Web forms ) which enables display of information about the model to the user. Any object that needs information about the model needs to be a registered view with the model. Example – Boundary Class Controller: The user interface presented to the user to manipulate the application. User Driven Events in GUI. Example – Control Class Model: The core of the application. This maintains the state and data that the application represents. When significant changes occur in the
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Many enterprise IT organizations are tackling large, complex efforts that combine the delivery of software elements, new and changed business models, and overall changes to organizational structure and capabilities. Typically these efforts involve several parallel projects, and managers are finding that "traditional" project management approaches fall short for such undertakings. Consequently, many IT professionals are turning to the substantial body of experience, and the smaller body of documentation, that supports the discipline of program management. This discipline describes principles, strategies, and desirable results for managing large-scale efforts comprising parallel projects. This article considers five major aspects of program management: Governance:
Continue readingThe Architecture Journal Reader
Wow! See what I got!! The Architecture Journal Reader from Microsoft. Thanks a Zillion to MS team. First, the Architecture Journal has been one of the best things MS is doing. I am a regular CONSUMER of the journal. It carries so much of good things that it keeps you on the toe always. Now coupled with the journal reader, it is going to touch the zenith of perfection. It presents the content of the journal in a very very comprehensive and readable format. MS is always pioneering the art of UX (User eXperience). I will request all of you
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